Sugar Hill Primary School

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Sheraton Road, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 5NU


Sugar Hill Primary School

'Learning and Growing Together'

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Newsletter - Friday 15th July 2022

Newsletter - Friday 15th July 2022

18 July 2022 (by Vicky)

Dear Parents/carers,

The last Friday! I can’t quite believe it!

Thank you for all of your support during the two weeks of Learning Showcases. The children have all loved showing what has been happening in school this term.

It has been an amazing year- the children settled in so well after COVID lockdowns and they have all made great progress both academically and socially.

I am so proud of each and every one of them.

I know they are really looking forward to the three days they will spend in their new classes. This will help them to settle into new routines so that they know exactly what to expect in September.

Remember to check your Transition letter for changes in times for new year groups, from Monday afternoon. Senior members of staff will be on hand to help.

The children come at their normal time on Monday morning and wear PE kits all week.


Weather next week!

The weather is predicted to be very hot on Monday and Tuesday next week- up to 33 degrees.

We will ensure that the children are not over exposed and ask that they have sun hats or caps and have sun cream either applied at home or bring to apply themselves. They will be encouraged to drink plenty so please send in their water bottles- only water please. Juice is only allowed for packed lunches. They will then be able to refill these through the day.

They will be wearing their PE kits which will help too.

Staff Presents

There have been several phone calls asking if it’s ok to send in staff presents. The answer to that is yes!

Thursday 21st July- End of Term

Return to school – Wednesday 7th September 2022

Thank you for your continued support and have a lovely but safe weekend in the sun.

Mrs Paula O’Rourke     

Head Teacher