Newsletter Friday 18th March18 March 2022 (by Vicky) |
Hello everyone.
A really busy week again at the Hill.
This week we have had a whole school review from an external consultant and as part of that the children spoke about our school and showed off their lessons. They were very articulate in telling our visitor about our new Global Curriculum and how great Sugar Hill is. They were able to tell her all about their learning and how excited they were about showing parents/carers in the next showcase.
I am so proud of the children at Sugar Hill, each and every one of them. Thank you for your continued support in all that we do here, always in the very best interests of the children.
Please remember that although there is no legal requirement to isolate with COVID, I would ask that you continue to follow the guidance- this is still 5 days isolation and then testing on day 5. When there are two negative tests together then its ok to return to school. We still need to minimise the spread and keep cases in school to a minimum.
Thank you for your support in this.
Parking/dropping off
Please note that the no stopping/parking rule also applies to parents/carers of children going to Breakfast Club.
Sugar Hill Coffee Stop
The coffee stop will continue to be open every Tuesday morning this half term in the dining room from 9.05am to 10.00am. Come to Entrance B as soon as you have dropped the children off. It’s cold out there- start your day with a cuppa, toast and a chat.
School Lunch price increase
From 4th April 2022 the price of a school lunch will rise to £2.20 per day- £11.00 per week.
Please remember trainers are not part of school uniform. School shoes should be all black, trousers and skirts grey or black and a green sweatshirt/cardigan.
Spring Term Dates
Friday 18th March – Red Nose Day
Monday 21st March- World Poetry Day
Week beginning 21st March- Parent Meetings if required
Week beginning Monday 28th March- 2x weeks- Curriculum Show Cases
Friday 8th April- Easter Holidays
Monday 25th April- PD Day
Return to school Tuesday 26th April 2022
Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.
Mrs Paula O’Rourke
Head Teacher