Sugar Hill Primary School

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Sheraton Road, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 5NU


Sugar Hill Primary School

'Learning and Growing Together'

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Newsletter - Friday 21st January 2022

Newsletter - Friday 21st January 2022

21 January 2022 (by Vicky)

Hello everyone.

I am re-sending this newsletter as it appears the telephone issue has affected the format of today's newsletter, making it tricky to read.

Another busy week at the Hill. The children are well into their new projects, already thinking about their end outcome. It all looks very exciting.

I am so proud of the children, they have settled so well since September. They have really taken to the new way of working and there is a real buzz around the learning taking place as I walk around school. It really is fantastic. The Governors who have recently been into school certainly agree.

On another matter- the telephone system is not working as it should at the moment, sometimes it’s not ringing out and sometimes it rings in but won’t let us answer. Please bear with us whiles the matter is sorted.


As you will have seen on the news restrictions in general are being relaxed again.

I would like ask that anyone entering the school building or approaching staff, still wears a mask at this time as we do have cases in school. Thank you again for your support in this.

The safety measure we have in place in school for staff and children will remain.

Please ensure that if someone is positive for COVID in your household that daily lateral flow tests are given to the children before they attend school. We have had an increased number of children testing positive on LFTs with no symptoms at all.

Symptoms are varied too- some children are having sickness, while others it is more of a cold. If your child is unwell I would suggest doing a test.

Thank you for your support in this, it is helping to keep numbers low.

DB Primary

Please be aware that if your child is absent from school, work will be added to DB Primary for them to complete.



I would like to remind you that trainers are not school uniform. There seems to be an increasing number of children wearing them. If there is a valid reason for them please make staff aware.

Hair accessories should be small and green. Girls wearing coloured headbands and accessories will be asked to remove them in school.

Waiting at home time

A reminder to all Nursery parents/carers picking up at 3pm- unless you have children in Y1/Y2 please leave the premises as soon as possible to ease congestion on the middle drive. Thank you to those who are already doing this. Please do not allow the children to run around the yard or pick up any equipment, keep the children with you at all times.

If someone new is picking up your children please explain the system for picking up in Y1/Y2 before they arrive.

All of this helps to make home time run as smoothly as possible. We have a lot of children to get out in a very short space of time. Thank you for your support in this.

Sugar Hill Coffee Stop

The coffee stop will continue to be open every Tuesday morning this half term in the dining room from 9.05am to 10.00am. Come to Entrance B as soon as you have dropped the children off. It’s cold out there- start your day with a cuppa, toast and a chat.

Spring Term Dates

Friday 4th February- NSPCC Number Day- information to follow

Tuesday 8th February - Safer Internet day

Friday 18th February – Half term

After school clubs to start again following February half term

Thursday 3rd March- World Book Day- Bedtime Stories the children can wear pyjamas for the day.

Monday 14th March- Science Week- Growth

Friday 18th March – Red Nose Day- more information will follow

Monday 21st March- World Poetry Day

Week beginning Monday 28th March- 2x weeks- Curriculum Show Cases

Friday 8th April- Easter Holidays

Monday 25th April- PD Day

Return to school Tuesday 26th April 2022

 Thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.

Mrs Paula O’Rourke     Head Teacher