Newsletter - Friday 18th November22 November 2021 (by Vicky) |
Dear Parents/carers,
Hello everyone, Friday again!
It's been another very busy week in school. The children are working hard on their projects and are so very excited at the thought of sharing their learning with you in Showcase Week (6th, 7th, 8th, 9th December).
I hope that you have all received your letters and that you have chosen your time of day.
I would like to mention that this is a sharing of our Projects and will be very informal, it is not a performance, although there may be some singing and dancing, the children will be presenting their learning in many different ways.
I hope you understand that only parent/carer per child will be allowed to attend, as we have to limit numbers in the halls. Please reply as soon as possible to get your preferred slot in the day.
Hopefully this will be different at the end of the Spring Term.
For those parents/carers who can’t attend their specific date for Showcase Week, on the nights of Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th of December we will be holding an exhibition of a selection of work from across the school, Nursery to Y6, in the KS2 hall. This will be on from 3.30pm until 5pm both nights. Again, please could we ask that only one person attends as we need to limit the numbers of people in the hall.
The children, and staff, have thoroughly enjoyed working and learning in this new and exciting way. Don’t forget to visit the website to see what has been going on.
Sugar Hill Coffee Stop
Our first Sugar Hill Coffee Stop morning took place on Tuesday this week. The idea is that when you are chatting to friends at the school gate and its very cold, you can come into school and chat over a warm drink, biscuits and toast!
The parents/carers that attended said that they all enjoyed it and thought it worthwhile, so why not join them next week?
This will run every Tuesday, 9.00am to 10.00am, a great opportunity to make new friends. We might even have mince pies in December!!
Parent Pay
Please contact Mrs Blacklock in the office if you are still experiencing problems with Parent Pay.
If you recall before the pandemic we had started to do photographs for Reception, Y3 and Y6 only- the milestones of a primary school. There were no sibling pictures taken.
This was also due to the fact that over the last few years people had stopped buying photographs in school.
This year we are thinking of bringing this back but only if we know that parents/carers in these year groups would like this. We will be sending a survey out, to these year groups only. Please watch for this coming via text message.
Dates- more information will follow over the next half term
At the moment these events will go ahead but MAYBE SUBJECT TO CHANGE
Friday 19th November – Children in Need non-uniform
Tuesday 23rd November- Police in school for Y5/Y6 workshops
Week beginning Monday 29th November- Pantomime
- Wednesday 1st December- Reception and Y5
- Thursday 2nd December-Y1, Y3 and Y6
- Friday 3rd December – Y2 and Y4
Week beginning 6th December- Global Curriculum Showcase- Year Groups will be sharing the work from their Autumn Term Projects
Friday 10th December – Christmas Jumper Day
Monday 13th December/Tuesday 14th December- Showcase Exhibition
Thursday 16th December – Parties and end of Term
Christmas holidays-Thursday 16th December return Thursday 6th January
Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Paula O’Rourke
Head Teacher