COVID Update - Thursday 24th June 202124 June 2021 (by Vicky) |
I am sorry to inform you that we have had another case of COVID confirmed in Y2.
This virus is now definitely taking hold and is in many schools across the town and the County. The BBC local news stated that now Durham is one of the highest risk areas in the North East.
I have followed DfE guidance to the letter.
I completely understand that you are all worried. But I really want to reassure you that we are still following all routines as rigorously as always in all other year group bubbles.
I have decided that we will close slightly earlier tomorrow in order to allow the cleaning staff more time to ensure all classes are thoroughly cleaned before Monday. Sanitising canisters will be used in every room.
Nursery, Class 1 in Reception, Year 1, Year 4 and Year 6 will need to be collected at 1.45pm
Class 2, Year 3 at 2.00pm
I hope you understand the reasons behind this. The building will then be empty for the weekend.
The Reception after school club will be cancelled.
Please can I ask that all parents/carers please wear masks at the gate and stand at least 1m apart as requested, at the fence. Masks must, as always, be worn on school premises.
The letter that you received from DfE yesterday will still need to be followed if your child develops symptoms.
Thank you for your continued support
Mrs Paula O’Rourke