4th January Update4 January 2021 (by Vicky) |
Return to school update
Dear Parents/Carers, Monday 4th January 2021
Me again! Hopefully last letter for a couple of days! I didn’t think I would be starting this new term as we did in September!
I will again confirm that school will be open tomorrow for all year groups, unless an announcement is made today telling me otherwise!
I completely understand your concerns and worries and the final decision as to whether you send your children into school remains with you as parents/carers. I will fully support your decision as stated yesterday, and have emailed County to discuss the attendance situation. I will keep you updated. Unfortunately, that is out of my hands.
Should you decide to keep your children at home then they should be logging into DB Primary where work will be uploaded.
Please be assured we are doing everything possible in school to make it as safe as we can.
I just wanted to remind you today of routines for the children.
- All children should be brought to school wherever possible. One adult only with each child. Please ensure the children stay with you as they wait to come in and do not run around. Follow the social distance signs. Please do not come too early.
- Only children in Y5/Y6 will be allowed to walk home by themselves and you must inform school if this is the case. Please talk to your children about going straight home and not allowing them to play in the park or go to their friend’s house.
- The children must not bring anything with them into school other than their plastic bag containing planner and reading book and lunch box. New plastic bags will be given.
- On PE days children will continue to wear their track suit bottoms and school jumper on top.
- The children will be allowed to wear masks into school but will be asked to remove them in class.
- Playtimes and lunchtimes continue to be staggered through the day.
As parents/carers please follow the rules as stated yesterday. This is vital if we are to remain safe and open.
Thank you again for your continued support, it really is greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at all. Please email sugarhill@durhamlearning.net this is still the best way to communicate. Senior staff will also be present at each entrance, morning and afternoon.
Please note that phones will be manned from 8.30am until 3.45pm. Thank you
Take care and stay safe.
Mrs Paula O’Rourke